
Thank you for your interest in the ASEAN Investment Challenge. Registration for the event has closed as of 15 Sep 2023. Fret not, as we'd love to welcome you for next year's edition. Do keep a lookout for more updates!
You may log in to your simulation trading platform via https://ic.cgs-cimb.com/
Please find the user guide HERE

Step 1: Register from 1 June to 15 September 2023.
Step 2: You should receive confirmation email within 24 hours.
Step 3: Join our Telegram Channel to receive important updates on the Challenge https://t.me/+3vazkgX7ofs3OGM1
Step 4: Start your learning journey from 1 July to 17 November 2023 on the online learning platform - we will send you the access link.
Step 5: Attend a briefing session on 18 September 2023 to learn how to use the simulation trading platform.
Step 6: You may familiarise yourself with the simulation trading platform from 18 September to 22 September 2023, 5pm SGT. The simulation trading platform will reopen on 24 September 2023, 11:59pm SGT for the Challenge.
Step 7: Submit your Trading Plan by 22 September 2023 to:
Malaysia: https://shorturl.at/brtvK
Singapore: https://forms.gle/8oW389FyapqyYz5CA
Indonesia: bit.ly/tradingplanaicid
Thailand: https://forms.gle/Z7tAo1a1QC8Pmqyr5
Step 8: The Challenge will last from 25 September to 17 November 2023.
Step 9: Attend "Ask Me Anything" sessions at 5pm SGT on 6 October, 20 October and 3 November 2023 to receive market updates and ask any Challenge-related questions.
Step 10: Country level winners and finalists will be notified by email by early December 2023.