Fund Information
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% Change (Current NAV vs EOD NAV) - -



Legal Structure Unit Trust
Manager CGS International Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Investment Advisor Fullgoal Asset Management (HK) Ltd.
Exchange Listing SGX-ST -- Main Board
Investment Strategy Full Replication Strategy
Fund Size USD 12.378mil
Net Asset Value Refer to EOD Nav
Base Currency USD
Trading Currency USD and SGD
Units Outstanding 12,378,000
Custodian BNP Paribas
Trustee and Registrar BNP Paribas
Listing Date 09 Nov 2023
ISIN Code SGXC89667486
Bloomberg Code GRU SP (USD), GRO SP (SGD)
Trading Lot Size 1 Unit
Management Fee 0.90% PA
Primary Exchange Time Zone SGT
Stock Code GRU (USD) GRO (SGD)
SGX Counter Name CGS Fullgoal CSI 1000 ETF


Underlying Index

CSI 1000

Index Provider

China Securities Index

Index Methodology


How to purchase

Business and Institutions

CGS International Securities (Singapore) | Phillip Securities | iFAST Financial
More Information

This material is for general information only. By accessing this material, you agree and acknowledge that this material is based on certain information, forecasts and assumptions, all of which is subject to change without notice. CGS International Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“CGS International”) does not undertake any obligation to update or revise this material. CGS International makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to its adequacy, accuracy, completeness, reliability or fairness, and CGS International accepts no responsibility in any such respect.


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