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Set the stage of the Investment Challenge.
  • Leaders to host an Industry Panel for students.
  • On investing and personal finance.
From CGS International: Carol Fong, Chua Wei Ren, Tim Phillips
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Identify possible areas of entries and exits, and potential reversal areas.
  • Candlesticks - The most common charting format
  • Support and Resistance - Identify areas where prices have tendency to bounce off from.
  • ATR - Get a sense of market nuances, and how to read each stock as it's own.
  • Technical Patterns - Identify repetitive patterns in the market. Continuations and Reversals
  • Moving Averages - The most used indicator.
  • Where to read charts - Charting apps or PU
From SGX: Tom Yuen
From CGS International: Tay Fook, Guan
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Fine tune strategy to own needs.
  • Managing Entries - Where to buy, Trending stock vs Range Bound
  • Managing Exits - Where to exit when you are wrong or right.
  • Position Sizing - How much to buy, you will never go all in on one stock, no matter how confident you are. But also, you can't be buying too small and lose in the long run.
  • Hedges - Not every stock more in tandem, there are negative correlations that can be used to protect your downside.
  • Stock Screening - There are tools available online to help you pick the right stock, based on pre-requisites set by you.
  • Trading Plan - Put everything together and you get a trading plan, follow it like gospel and you are one foot in on your journey to success.
From SGX: Binni Ong
From CGS International: Tay Fook, Guan
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Equip students with Basic investing concepts.
  • Introduce types of investment products (Blue Chip stocks, REITs, ETF, CFDs, etc)
  • Factors before you start investing (Brokerage firm, CDP, Pricing)
  • Risk profile and personal investment objectives
  • Why starting early is important
From CGS International: Tim or Billy
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Consume information, think for yourself and ask the right questions..
  • Reading Online Content - learn how consume online content, with so much information out there, how do you know what is important and what is not?
  • Trade Journaling - The top performing athletes always look back at their game, look for areas of weakness. You should too.
From CGS International: Tay Fook, Guan
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Understand  different psychological states of mind of an investor.
  • During a market downturn, many investors can lose significant amount of investments when fear clouds judgement. 
  • Market volatility can further stoke feelings of stress and fearfulness.
From CGS International: Tim Phillips, Tay Fook Guan
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Learn about how to manage margin, use a small account to buy large cap stocks, without being over leveraged and how to record trades.
  • Margin Utilizations - How to calculate initial margin. ensuring that the portfolio is not over leveraged.
  • Placing orders, Buy, Sell, Stop loss, take profit, modify and cancel orders
  • Transaction Cost and Interest - Learn how to calculate these charges, so that you will know how much you need to sell to net a profit.
  • Reading Charts - How to use the charts, indicators etc
From CGS International: Jeddave, Bang Chong, Ming
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Learn to spot investing red flags to avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Learning from Investing Mistakes
  • Crypto
  • Chasing market trend 
  • Follow advice blindly from social media 
  • Selling good investments too fast 
  • Falling in love with a company 
From SGX: Wong Kon How
From CGS International: Saw Ping May, Tim Phillips, Tay Fook Guan
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